Learning Outcomes

Baby Developmental Play- Sensory stretch and sing (seedlings)

This course explores how babies learn and develop in their first year and how we can utilize movement & play to to support brain, body and sensory integration by implementing sensory stretch and sing routines and age appropriate sensory play ideas.

It includes four pdf parent workbook for you to use in your classes and workshops. The workbooks cover baby development from birth to a year and give parents practical advice and guidance on how they can support this naturally using play, movement, nurturing touch and songs, as well as space to document their babies milestones and learning journey.

It also includes our Sensory stretch and sing video tutorial routines for you to use in your classes. These routines are suitable from 16 weeks to crawling, with clear information regarding how this supports babies holistic development .

There is also a practical guide to putting together a heuristic treasure basket for parents to make and take home as a reminder of their seedlings classes.

Early years settings can use the routines and activities within their settings to expertly support the development of the babies they care for. They can also run parent workshops using this training- a fabulous way to integrate partnership with parents and continuity of care for the littlest members of their community.

Practitioners completing the course will need to show extensive evidence and knowledge of:

1Socio-emotional development from birth to a year and how to support this using play

2: The importance of connection and attachment in relation to healthy development

3: How language and cognition develop from birth to one and how to support this using touch, play, songs and stories

4: How physical skills develop from birth to one, includes the importance of natural motor movement including tummy time, rolling, crawling, walking and the use of 'baby containers'

5: The role of observation in planning developmentally appropriate activities - the importance of sensorimotor skills

6: The importance of creating an engaging, safe environment

7: How Baby sensory stretch and sing supports holistic development from birth to a year

8: Understanding the crucial role of brain body integration

9: understanding the importance of 'sequential pathways'

10: Running safe, engaging baby developmental play classes and workshops

11: The professional limitations of the role

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