Our Accredited Baby Developmental play practitioners are specialists in supporting genuinely baby led play and brain body integration by providing safe, engaging environments and developmentally appropriate activities. In this course we explore cognitive, language, socio-emotional and physical development from 16 weeks until crawling.

We explore how secure attachment and the opportunity to move and explore freely forms the basis of learning and healthy holistic wellbeing and development and how we can use gentle stretches, songs and interaction to support development at this age.

Our Four key themes are:

-Free movement, balance and brain body integration

-Rhythm and early communication

-Sensory Integration- age appropriate sensory play ideas

-Tummy Time as a play position

On completion of the training practitioners can run Sensory Stretch and sing classes for babies from 16 weeks to crawling. Our Advanced Sensory Stretch and sing classes -Little Buds, provides a follow on group designed to meet the unique needs of crawlers, cruisers and wobbly walkers!

This course includes instructor training for our Seedlings classes, which form part of our Little Wildflower Play Programme, it includes

Five Video Tutorials,covering a full term of classes

Detailed class & workshop plans, including age appropriate sensory play ideas

Three parent ebooks- with space for parents to make observations and plan their little ones 'next steps' , add photos or hand/footprint class memories.

Three parent e-guides on Baby Curricula from around the world, including

-Pikler & Rie (seedlings)

-Montessori (Little Buds)

-Reggio Emilia (Little Buds)

-A parent e-guide for creating a Heuristic Treasure basket - a lovely activity to do on the final class or as a specialist workshop!

Access to our 'Baby Business Toolkit'

Access to the 'Little Wildflower Play Library'

Ongoing FREE membership to our community - includes a generous discount on further training.


[email protected]

At Wildflower we provide progressive, affordable, extensive training for Antenatal, Postnatal and Early Years Professionals. We offer three full training programmes- our Mother Nurtured Diploma, Little Wildflower Diploma and our Baby Massage Teacher Training. We are launching Holistic Birth Instructor training later this year. We also provide professional CPD courses including Gentle sleep consultancy, Child led Potty training and Baby developmental play.

Our community of professional WildflowerPractitioners are supporting and empowering other women throughout the UK, Australia and America, with new practitioners joining us from around the world every day.