Learning outcomes

During this course you will gain the knowledge and understanding required to support parents to take a gentle approach to sleep . This training covers common sleep issues from newborn to 5 years.

It also includes a pdf workbook for parents attending your classes which covers sleep science, managing sleep expectation, why a gentle approach works and age appropriate sleep plans. It also has a hygge sleep checklist, a list of guided meditations and sleepy stories, a massage routine to encourage relaxation, recipes for melatonin rich bedtime snacks and guidelines for creating an aromatherapy sleepy oil for the bedtime routine.

On completion of the course our Wildflower Gentle Sleep Consultants are expected to:

1- Show an understanding of the cultural diversity of infant sleep, including the practice of 'baby wearing'

2- Be able to recommend the most up to date safe sleeping practices from reliable sources

3- Understand what Circadian Rythmn's are and the role they play in sleep science

4- Have an awareness of the range of sleep 'training' methods that are widely offered and the effect these have on attachment

5- Show a good understanding of why Wildflower advocate a gentle approach to sleep consultancy

6- Understand the implication of diet/feeding on healthy sleep and the role of the vagus nerve

7- Understand how the sleep environment plays an important role in healthy sleep

8- Be able to offer age appropriate, holistic advice and support (from birth- 5 years)

9- Show a clear understanding of the professional limitations of gentle sleep consultants and have an understanding of when/where to refer professionally

10- Be confident in running gentle sleep workshops and private consultations

Throughout each section of the course you will see 'Practitioner Reflection Journal' points. These are designed to give you the opportunity to reflect on how your thinking may be changing or your perception of the subject may be shifting. Completing the Practitioner Reflections will support your answers at the end of the course and is a useful way to practice reflective working. You should set up a 'Reflective Journal' notebook (either on paper or electronically) and makes notes of your refections. These are completely personal to you and will not be marked, but form an important part of your study. If reflective practice is something that is new to you then you can find useful information about it within the files section of our closed facebook group and free business toolkit.

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